How Do You Know That You Know

Evidence for the existence of God and the truth of the Bible.

Building Margins into Our Lives

REALationshiops happen in the margin. If you don't have that margin then you can't go deep in relationships, you can go surface, but you can't go deep.

The Church That Cares

When our relationship with God is where it needs to be, then it is only natural that our relationships with others will be filled with love and care.

Life is Better Connected - Matt Bickel

Life is better connected. We all have gifts from the Holy Spirit. What is yours and how can you use it to serve others?

How Do You View God?

Join us with Pastor Anthony Garris as he asks the question "How Do You View God?"

The Hardest Part of life

In Luke 22, as well as other passages, Jesus solves the hardest part of life. This text is the actionable element of the things that Jesus taught. Have you ever thought about what the hardest part of life is?

Characteristics of a Godly Mother

In 2 Timothy 1:3-5, the passage emphasizes the influential role of godly mothers, as exemplified by Eunice and Lois, who raised Timothy in the faith. Paul commends Timothy for his sincere faith, which was first instilled by his grandmother and mother. Despite challenges in Ephesus, Timothy's upbringing in the Scriptures by his godly mother & grandmother prepared him for ministry. The characteristics of a godly mother outlined include: 1. Passes on her faith, 2. Is a living example of Christ to her children, 3. Prays for her children

Qualifications of a Pastor

What is the qualifications and role of the Pastor in the church today? Ultimately, pastors serve as spiritual leaders, stewards of the church's mission, and often play a central role in the life and growth of the faith community they serve.

Relying on the Comforter: God's Plan for Church Growth

In stressful times, people often turn to creature comforts like cozy sweats, soothing music, or sweet treats. While these comforts can provide some relief, true and lasting comfort comes from the Holy Spirit, the Comforter promised by Jesus. By examining how the church grew as described in Acts 9:31, this message explores the importance of not substituting temporary comforts, feelings, and the illusion of control for The Comforter. By prioritizing the Comforter over mere comfort, believers can experience deeper spiritual growth and a greater connection with God and each other.

Qualifications of a Pastor

What is the qualifications and role of the Pastor in the church today? Ultimately, pastors serve as spiritual leaders, stewards of the church's mission, and often play a central role in the life and growth of the faith community they serve.

Pictures of Jesus

For the next 6 weeks, I’d like to share my favorite pictures of Jesus. If I was making a photo album, these are some of the pictures that would be highlighted and captioned. These are personal for me because they tell a story about then and now.

Pictures of the Disciples

The day Christ was raised from the dead the disciples were a frightened, confused bunch. Through a journey of seeing Jesus alive again, to His final instructions, to the arrival of the Holy Spirit, they were changed. No longer timid and scared, they were now bold in the face of the very authorities that nailed Jesus to the cross. They remained bold and steadfast even to their deaths because of the most compelling proof of the resurrection: They had seen Jesus alive again with their own two eyes, and no earthly threat would make them deny it.

Growing Into 24

Growth is optional, and it’s fascinating how many people aren’t trying to grow. God’s desire is that we don’t just go into ’24, but we’re growing into ’24. In this message we will evaluate where we currently are at and identify the areas that we need to focus our attention on.


We are SENT! To your family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, and people you meet randomly. Let’s keep the greatest movement of all times moving in our generation.

Directionally Challenged

We know we need to change, but we often get stuck in a rut and try to get out and find ourselves giving up and going right back where we didn’t want to be. Did we choose the wrong direction, no! We’re just missing something to keep us going in the right direction. In this message we will gain some insights into the way God works in this.

Prepping for the Next Season

Last week we talked about the different seasons that we all go through. We often need a reminder to make special efforts to get prepared for the next season. In today’s message we will see how Jesus prepared the disciples for their next season and how God took care of them in it.

Seasons of Life and Ministry

Seasons are a natural part of everyone’s life. We have 4 seasons with the weather, seasons in aging, seasons in family, and many more. In this message we want to look at the seasons we been through and look at what is next for our church.

The Season of Hope

Christmas is a special time of year where we are filled with hope because of Jesus Christ. We celebrate His birth every year and are reminded that He was sent for us.

Missionary or Mission Field?

He was speaking the word to them. And they came, bringing to Him a paralytic, carried by four men. Being unable to get to Him because of the crowd, they removed the roof above Him; and when they had dug an opening, they let down the pallet on which the paralytic was lying. And Jesus seeing their faith said to the paralytic, Son, your sins are forgiven. (Mark 2:3-5)

No Perfect Family Allowed

In this message we are celebrating ‘Parent / Child Dedication’. There are a few families that will be publicly dedicating themselves to raise children to know and follow Jesus. This is a big statement, because we all struggle to do what’s right, but in this message we will see the key component that needs to be in every family and every individual.

Is Trust Possible?

God is absolutely trustable at all times. He never goes off script, He is merciful, long suffering, faithful, and loves us. So, lets follow Him!

The Book of Habakkuk

The prophet Habakkuk shares with us how we can live a life of faithfulness and rejoicing, while we trust in The Lord.

Trusting in God's Promises

It's not always easy, but we need to start trusting in God's Promises.

Reviving Relationships

It seems like relationships are broken and need to be revived.

Through the Darkness - Asa Sturtevant

Everyone spends time in the darkness, Jesus meets and employs us in our darkness.

Church Fuel

Church…It’s time to refuel. The light on the dash is flashing, it’s time to pull into the station and fuel up! “Insight without action does not equal change” - Dr. Jeff Black

Because He Lives…He is Trustable

One of the hardest parts of life, in our homes, in church, in work, in Tball, in school, is getting hurt by people you thought you could trust. The rest of the story – the closest friends with Jesus learned to trust Him fully. They trusted Jesus with their future and with their life.

Neighborhood Churches

Neighborhood Churches | Grace Harbor Church exists to plant neighborhood churches in the forgotten places of New Bedford, a place in desperate need of healthy, gospel-preaching churches. As the administrator, I take care of the operational work so that pastors can focus on shepherding work.

Because He Lives

Missionary Mike Ivey challenges us to live with our hearts and minds focused on the eternal things of God; the things that are unseen as opposed to the seen things that are only temporary. Text: 2 Corinthians 4:18

The Legacy Maker

A legacy requires choices along the way that moves a person into their God given calling. In this series we will explore the journey of several people in the Bible that had a great legacy. The story behind the legacy is often forgotten about because it involves many uncomfortable decisions that needed to be made to make a legacy. The choices they made along the way will encourage us to be faithful in the choices we make and give us hope that God is building a legacy in and through us.

Future Events & Israel’s Future

A Synopsis of Future Events & Israel’s Future with Ron Grossman

Book of Colossians

Gratitude needs to be intentional because it’s not natural. Many are waiting for the magical moment where they feel like gratitude is deserved, but it rarely comes because it’s overshadowed by the negative feelings around that moment.

Foundations of Our Faith

Biblical Worldview: Understanding the foundations of our Faith with Michael Blackwell.

Crushing It

Crushing it – developing healthy habits that create muscle memory and momentum toward a specific outcome.